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Product details
File Size: 24225 KB
Print Length: 361 pages
Simultaneous Device Usage: Up to 5 simultaneous devices, per publisher limits
Publisher: New Riders; 2 edition (March 23, 2012)
Publication Date: March 23, 2012
Sold by: Amazon Digital Services LLC
Language: English
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Amazon Best Sellers Rank:
#93,941 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store)
This book was well written and clearly written by top professionals in their field. Although anyone can benefit from the message in this book, it's really written to those who work in web design agencies. I really enjoyed the fact that they put a lot of emphasis into doing research before you go and put a website together. This is something sorely lacking by web professionals. However, the book is a little tedious for about the first half of the book as they go on and on about documentation. I get that having crystal clear expectations with your customers is essential. However, I work on websites with internal customers and don't feel like half of this documentation/proposal stuff really applies to me, so it was hard to get through. After weeding out the parts that were less relevant, I really liked this book and will be implementing many of the research and methods described within.
Thus has been a great starter for helping me get cross-functional teams to understand how UX works and why it's important from software to product design. As a UXer you'll often need talking points on your ROI and this book gives you some ammo.
If you have been a consistent UX practitioner for 3 or more years there will be little new material here. If you are a recent inductee to UX this book will give you a solid footing.
This is a good book for those people who are employee or novice in UX design and also for freelancing. I like this book and recommended to my friends.
Overall, this is a good introductory UX design book. I agree with some of the other reviews that their is a great deal of content that is around selling and managing UX design projects. My major pet peeve was that that graphics in the book are terrible. Screen shot and graphics are often useless because the font size is so small, the picture is unreadable.
This book is phenomenal. Having worked in Human Factors designing User Interfaces for quite a few years, seldom have I seen a broad overview that gets it. You won't find exacting details or templates of how to do each step of the UX task, but you will get a complete sense of what you should be doing at each step you find yourself. There is enough information in this book to really get you started. Also if you already knee deep in a project, you can jump to that point.I read the book cover to cover and put over 20 tabs on the book for the references they have provided on the web. I checked quite a few and they are a gold mine of info.I like this book because of its broader appeal. If you sit down and read a text that goes into excruciating detail before you are ready to use that information, reading becomes laborious and you don't retain it. Or you bail on the book and never get the overall picture.This book is a nice balance of the full picture and the ability to get the detail.Mind you, when I say it does not go into detail that might be a bit misleading. For instance, when in the section about Search engine Optimization, it helped explain this concept in enough detail that I had a clue what the issues were when dealing with an advertizing firm. Sure enough there were links listed here to provide even more detail. The User research and persona usage was very up-to-date regarding how these would be used and why you might use varying degrees of details. In the section about Wireframes and Annotations, there were good examples and advice as well as links to get more. The User testing section had interesting information that was very current as well. I could go on and on, but the book speaks for itself. You can view the Table of Contents online.Another thing and it is not a small one, the book is well designed for reading. The font is pleasant and the layout is efficient and provides cues for both "Surfing" and "Deep Dives" of information. In fact they provide sections called Surfing, Snorkeling and Deep Diving, which is very helpful. Nice when a book practice what it preaches and makes itself as usable as the products it's meant to help design.This book is going on my desk for reference and has been recommended to colleagues.
I'm using this book for a graduate course on usability and boy, is it a pain to read. Although the text poses many valid points and is a decent guide for getting into UXD, it's a hard text to trudge through and quite repetitive. I think the text could be condensed by at least 25% if you eliminated the poor transitions and set-ups the author seems to favor poorly executing.Also, there really isn't anything that I could truly sink my teeth into. I wish it was more substantial and less vague at times. The content as a whole was very elementary--beyond common sense for the most part--and I was expecting something that would challenge me and make me think instead of carrying me around like a baby (that is a step beyond holding my hand).Nonetheless, if you can get past the pain of reading this, are capable of filling in the many blanks, and can do some more research on your own time, it's quite resourceful.
Not a bad instructional manual.